Future Lab


Currently, The i2-HMR doesn't have its own Lab.

So, how do we perform experiments ?
We have some crucial research programs desperately waiting to be performed, but we don't have the lab for it yet. Nevertheless, as a transient solution to this issue, we manage to conduct some experiments either at the lab of some of our colleagues (see Collaborations) (notably via Ph.D. Students) or by ourselves at big facilities (like ISIS or ESRF). 
But such a situation considerably slows down our scientific work, explaining why we search to be hosted by a University, or by a Research Center, in order to have a Lab and an access to analyses.

Funding : see this page.

photo by Nicolas A, from the book "Traité élémentaire de Chimie - Chimie minérale", page 27, written by A. Haller & P.Th. Muller, Editors G. Carré & C. Naud, 1896.